Teeth Whitening
Whitening procedures have effectively restored the smile of people with stained, dull, or discolored teeth for many years. The darker tissue of your teeth, the dentin, can become exposed as the outer layer of enamel is worn away by the effects of aging or things like caffeine and tobacco. Professional whitening performed by Twin Buttes Dental is considered to be the most effective and safest method to whiten teeth. Over-the-counter whitening systems are somewhat effective as long as they are monitored and directions followed closely but to get that Hollywood Smile you will need to professionally whiten.
Twin Buttes Dental has teamed up with Opalescence professional whitening to deliver optimal results. We have varying strengths of professional whitening gel that you can apply at home to effectively whiten your teeth at your pace to fit your schedule.
Call Twin Buttes Dental today for your custom whitening kit and trays!